Photo Wesley AmaralChamber of Deputies
‼️ Reports presented this Monday (14) by the Observatório Parlamentar (Portuguese version) of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities of the Chamber of Deputies show that Brazil is not complying with the recommendations of the United Nations (UN) regarding the improvement of the human rights situation in the country. It has repercussions on the lives of people with disabilities and rare diseases.
🧭Where and who: The deputy Helder Salomão (PT-ES) (Portuguese version) represented the Parliamentary Observatory at a meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, during the 4th Cycle of Universal Periodical Review (UPR) (Portuguese version), the mechanism for assessing the situation of human rights in the 193 member states of the UN.
🔢What the numbers say: According to the deputy, of the 246 UN recommendations, 136 were not complied with, and 35 recommendations were set back between May 2017 and August 2022. Twenty-six reports were presented in Geneva, which have already been delivered to the transitional government of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. These reports were debated at 26 public hearings held in the Chamber in 2021 and 2022. According to the deputy, 127 representatives of the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary, 40 participants from international organizations, and 160 from civil society participated in these public hearings.
💰In reducing poverty and inequality, the country received 13 recommendations from the UN. Of these, ten were considered unfulfilled, two in regression, and one in progress.
♿ Concerning people with disabilities, four of the eight UN guidelines are in progress, three have not been met, and one is stagnating.
⁉️ Why it matters: The Universal Periodic Review is a UN mechanism through which the 193 member countries contribute to each other’s assessments and recommendations, intending to improve the situation of human rights in the world and to the best of our ability to commitments made in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Brazil has already gone through three cycles of this review – in 2008, 2012, and 2017.
🤓To know more: Observatório Parlamentar avalia que Brasil não está cumprindo recomendações da ONU sobre direitos humanos (Portuguese version).
With informations of Agência Câmara de Notícias (Portuguese version)