The author

Claudio Cordovil Oliveira is a researcher in Public Health at Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (ENSP/Fiocruz). He completed his BA in Journalism and Publishing in 1981 (Estácio). He earned his Master’s (2004) and Doctoral (2009) degrees in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Claudio also has a Post-Doctorate degree in Communication and Information in Science, Technology, and Health from Fiocruz (2010-2011). 

Claudio has attended a Split Site Doctoral Program at the Center for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (2007/2008), where, under the guidance of Dr. João Arriscado Nunes, he investigated the relationship between new information and communication technologies and the identity construction of patients with rare diseases (particularly those with muscular dystrophies). 

In 1995, as a Professional journalist specializing in Science, Health, and Environment, he received the José Reis Award for Scientific Journalism (CNPq).

His research interests focus on the interface between communication and information in health and Social Studies of Science. His passion concentrates mainly on public health, its relations with democracy, citizenship, and public participation, especially concerning rare diseases. 

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